Hey guys, follow up on my recent post:
Jolly 4 has been discontinued by decision of IvanG, and thus I will respect his decision and sent my best wishes to the rest of the team who poured their heart and soul into the development of this game.
So with the announcement now out there, I can now share my work that was yet to be revealed, and my experiences on the team and how I saw everything from my angle.
Modelling Work
So as you know, I was a character modeller for the game, initially set to model the Goodtimes until they were revamped with better designs, and they looked incredible. My role was moved to modelling a different set of characters that was more down my alley: The Decays
The Decays are the cast of characters from Jolly 1 which I remodelled to fit in modern day style for the game, aiming to be as close to their original designs as possible. (Please note, most of what you see may have been unfinished by when the screenshot was made)
Decayed Jolly

Decayed George

Decayed Tweetie

Decayed Maxie

A Vicious Cycle
Now that you see what the characters were going to be, here's where the complicated part comes in.
The process isn't as simple as it looks when the Decays were being made, as a matter of fact, Jolly took the longest for a design to be "finalised." I had modelled a total of Six Variations of Decayed Jolly, and by when the game was cancelled, all the characters still remained unfinished after 2-3 years of my time helping with the game due to constant resets from different feedback from different members. I had even gotten to a point where I openly spoke out about not wanting to do another cycle. I know it took me long enough to state it out, but I at least dealt with resetting as I had felt it would help me improve with each version.

Jolly Version 1:

Jolly Version 2:

Jolly Version 3:

Jolly Version 4:

Jolly Version 5 (Updated Textures):

Jolly Version 6:

Now you might be wondering, what's with the sudden jump from Version 5 to Version 6? Well that's because the decision was soon made from other members to re-use the Jolly 1 models but to optimise and stylise them slightly to fit in Jolly 4's style, BlueGirl was originally going to make some descriptions for how the touched up Jolly 1 cast should be due to their outdated designs until she and Hunter left.
I was a bit ticked that the models I spent a long time making were shelved in favour for the pre-existing models, but I went along with it anyway.

Some Extra Snippits
Just for some extra bits, I was originally tasked to create Showbiz like animatronic variations of the characters for a different segment of the game before that role was soon passed along to another person.

My goal with the Showtimes is I wasn't going to make them purposefully scary while trying to maintain that classic Showbiz friendly look.
Now onto the main juicy parts, the existence of the Jolly 4 server VIP subscription and the supposed "contracts" the team members were under, here's it from my point of view:
VIP: I was not involved nor aware in the decision that the Jolly 4 server even had VIP subscriptions, this was mainly due to my inactivity in both the Fan server and Dev server as I'll openly admit I only ever checked in there for feedback on my progress or to post new progress. I only ever found out when I had a ping about VIP exclusive announcements. Behind the scenes I was concerned on a "Pay to view" system for exclusive teasers and such for a FNaF fangame that shouldn't be profitable by copyright law, but considering there were people who went out their way to support the project anyway I didn't really decide to speak anything of it.
Contracts: At no point was a contract ever disclosed, or at least with me privately. To even show I took a screenshot from my dm's with Weshek, using the Discord Search Bar. According to others, they had no idea a contract was even established to begin with. I became aware of a contract when a modeller on the team was let go from the team for leaking 2 models in a private DM that lead them being threatened to being sued and had their contact with the team cut. Which is something someone shouldn't have such pressure over when it comes to a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame.
Work Conditions: Upon reading the document that was released to the public by an anonymous source, I had seen the working conditions of HunterAllen putting 2000 hours into Unity in a matter of months, even spending the moment they wake up until they sleep working hard to get Jolly 4 coded, which my wishes do out to those who would have been mentally exhausted from the work they put in, I hadn't any idea that was the condition they were working in.
My working conditions was the vicious cycle I had with the Decays, I was set to make the set of characters in a few months of work on top of my real life job, which a few months doesn't seem so bad. My issue I faced is that there were occasions I was waiting for something else to be finished to allow me to continue my work (NOT BLAMING ANYONE WHEN I SAY THIS), such as design references or Endoskeletons for the models to use, with added pressure that members who don't post any progress within 5 weeks would be let go from the team.

With that pressure added on there were one or two instances where I messaged Weshek quickly saying why I'm not posting any progress, but Wes did understand at the very least to why I couldn't.

Lastly, a lot of the "legal" claims behind Jolly 4 I've just been transparent about, as I heard the lore and such were actually trademarked or something, which is a weird case for a FNaF Fangame as technically Scott himself could and would take legal action against Jolly 4 itself for trying to pull stuff like that off. But whenever Wes messaged me or when I interacted with him he had never brought up contracts, payments or overall literal lawsuits/suing over unmet deadlines, leaks or what not, if I had been faced with something like that during my development help on Jolly 4, I wouldn't exactly even know how to process that type of situation.