1 month ago

Jolly 4....


Un buen juego ,que iba a tener buena trama y buen potencial como yo me imagine siendo jolly 1986,fue cancelado,y todo por una cosa que,evitare mencionar por que no estoy 100% informado,pero lo que me contaron fue,que weshek les hizo un contrato a los modelers o coders del equipo para sobre explotarlos (edit:no,no era eso de explotarlos,si no un contrado de confidencialidad de Vip o algo asi entendi),esto no se merece terminar asi gente.

No,no debe terminar asi muchachos,Jolly 4 es Un Gran Potencial para @IvanG ,chicos,no nos rindamos por que alguien que era un buen amigo para ivang,haciera algo sin preguntar y solo por eso y por el tiempo que no tiene ivang,no gente,no nos dejemos vencer por eso,yo veo muchos potenciales de juegos tipo jolly siendo cancelados,pero no,jolly 4 era el top de el mejor potencial en todo jolly,y si ,sueno un estupido diciendo eso,pero que tiene? Aun no he pasado por la universidad,y no me rendire

Esto no debe terminar asi,@IvanG se que esto es una tonteria,pero he creado un servidor unoficial de Jolly 4,te invito tambien,no se den por vencidos gente,se que para mi es facil decir esto,pero nunca he pasado por un cancelamiento, por eso digo esto asi,emotivamente,me esforzare aunque este solo en esto,en recuperar todo ese potencial que es Jolly 4


A good game, that was going to have a good plot and good potential as I imagined Jolly 1986 to be, was cancelled, and all because of one thing that I will avoid mentioning because I am not 100% informed, but what I was told was that Weshek made a contract with the modelers or coders of the team to overexploit them(edit: no, it wasn't about exploiting them, but a VIP confidentiality agreement or something like that, I understood), this does not deserve to end like this people.

No, it should not end like this guys, Jolly 4 is great potential for @IvanG , guys, let's not give up because someone who was a good friend to Ivang,did something I shouldn't without asking, and even more so if poor Ivang doesn't have time,i know how hard it is to do many things at the same time, no people, let's not let ourselves be defeated by that, I see many potential games like Jolly being cancelled, but no, Jolly 4 was the top of the best potential in all of Jolly, and yes, I sound stupid saying that, but what is wrong? I haven't gone through college yet, and I won't give up.

This shouldn't end like this, @IvanG I know this is nonsense, but I've created an unofficial Jolly 4 server, I invite you too, don't give up people, I know it's easy for me to say this, but I've never been through a cancellation, that's why I say this like this, emotionally, I will strive even if I'm alone in this, to recover all that potential that is Jolly 4.




Next up

Pinagsama Head alpha 1 & pinagsama arms

The upper arm on the Jolly canon is Red Fantasy Jolly, it is already in beta 3 (shell not finished)

The lower arm is from Fantasy Jolly, it is already in beta 2 (the shell has not been added yet)

for the arts board


Something needs to be clarified, and that is that it probably won't leave for some countries at the same time, I'll use Mexico as an example, in Chile it's 3 hours later for them, well, just that needs to be clarified.


It's official, it's already ending, the first teaser trailer, there will be a lot of difference with other teaser trailers, but it's the first one I've made 1/1/2024 00:00

chile time

Rat Race Production Update


Honestly, I thought I wouldn't make it, but I made it, of course, it's not 100% Pinagsama's body, but it's what I have now, I'm going to improve it people

Originally the teaser trailer #2 was supposed to come out today at 12, but it will take me longer anyway. I'm already recovering files that I saved on a mediafire.

A little (big for some) Spoiler from A Shift In Jolly's Fantasy World (I'm sorry if it doesn't load, idk if there are only images or gifs up there xd )