BiSnt Season 1

6 years ago

Just a few words about the second episode and patch for the first

About the second episode:

Today I started making storyboards and thinking about the gameplay. In short, the second episode for the most part will be about secondary characters. Also in it, I will try to better disclose the relationship between Champer and Zenfyx. In addition, the episode will have more gameplay than in the first, but at the same time there will be practically no battles or anything like that. The episode will be mostly simple, calm and there will be a lot of dialogues in it. In duration, this episode may turn out a little longer than the first, maybe for about 40 minutes, I’m definitely not sure. Tomorrow I’m starting to work on the gameplay, so expect a wilderness peak or something like that. Now about the release date

Everything is quite complicated here, because I again can’t say for sure, but I suppose that I will finish all this closer to the end of October or mid-November. I can tell the exact date in mid-late September, but for now, when the work has just begun, I specifically can’t say

About the patch for the first episode:

Well, firstly, I will immediately please those who do not know or do not like English. I am going to add Russian, which can be switched in the settings. In general, initially I did not plan to introduce Russian, because well, just too lazy to be honest, but it hurts too many requests, so I heard you, don’t worry

In addition, I did a little work on bugs, which I could find, I apologize if they disturbed / annoyed you

III something more interesting. Two new scenes will be added to the episode. They are small, but quite useful and informative. Well, in the end I’ll say that I’ll do a little work on the dialogs, because I’ll still bother with them and not a little

The release date for the patch is scheduled for August 25, so there is not much to wait. Plus, if I can still find something, then I will release an additional patch on August 28, after which I will already begin to work on the second episode in full

Many thanks to everyone! On Gamejolt game scored 500 views in two days and 30 downloads, which motivated me quite strongly

Thanks again for the insane support :)



Next up

News about 0.1.2 and the 2nd episode

Episode 3 Is Out!

The main part of the Emerald Coast (first act) is ready. Some words about first demo.

Underwater news :|

Episode 6 is out!

News about the first episode

working on GUI today. Looks like it works well! I plan to start work on missions later #Sonic #Demake #SonicAdventure #Fangame #Unity #Adventure

0.5.1 patch and 4 Episode

About the 4th Episode

---Hub stages--- Work in progress