Just an update, we're still accepting applications to lift the weight a little on the things our team has to do. If you're interested here's the link; https://www.deviantart.com/mrmitten/journal/Teamtinge-sign-up-844193192
If not, that's fine! Also thanks for the 300+ followers here!
Next up
Spoiler warning!!! Very early access screenshot, enjoy. This was put up so you know that we're actually working on this-
Undertinge EARLY UPDATE - 5
Undertinge Update 5 delay!
There's still a bit we're working on, and stuff we'd like to keep secret, so we're delaying our next update! Stay tuned for more updates later.
stinge fr fr...
Undertinge - Help Wanted
Undertinge's system reveal
(image by Graves-Of-Roses)
Teamtinge Artists have been very busy working on art over the years on this project. Here's a collection of promotional art made for the project! Expect more!
Artists here in order-
Loupil(lead artist), Nanobanana and Mrmitten
It's been a long time, hasn't it?
From concept changing a lot, to losing access to the account for half a year... we're back. But on a more important note, we currently do not have someone to make themes. Anyways, thanks for 1k.
Where have we been?
Revealing our Outdated OST tomorrow.