Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Entertain Entrapment!?"
22 days ago

Just came to say, about my FNaS: FF fangame series.

Despite that some of my fangames have started gaining almost no followers for a while now (especially Aureate Afterglow!!)

(I get it because mostly of state [Hiatus], but there's a reason: Article)

I'm NOT gonna cancel my Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces fangames.
It will still take a time to make them.
I've made the gamepages to show the progress, the ideas, making the improvments, corrections, etc.

Reason of [Hiatus] on 3 fangames:
First of all, I have to update the characters' appearances, because I feel that the designs were unpolished, rushed.
And mainly focusing on one fangame: "Entertain Entrapment!?"

And in general, my Fierce Forces project is... a big project (time-consuming)
(And as you know, this also includes the connection to FNaS: FF "Imagine It!" fancomic series)

The progress is slow but it moves, for sure.

For those who didn't know, here there are and a reminder of a quick description: "Stellar Showoff!"
An own take on FNaS 1 game (different cast, two leaders, no Mario Characters) "Hush! & Hustle!"
A similar counterpart of FNaF: HW stage of "Night Terrors" as FNaS: FF
version and with own take on FNaS 3 Character of the main antagonist ~
Salvage Sonic "Gory-Up!" "Aureate Afterglow!!"
A platformer game similar to first Sonic, but played differently with own take on FNaS 5 cast (mainly including Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!" in the cast) "Entertain Entrapment!?"
An own take on FNaS 1 cast (no sitting in the office from POV of the playable character)

Now excuse me, I must go now.

P.S. I probably won't be online to post anything tomorrow (busy).

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