Just random Liminal Spaces
(Ik the place with the tree house elevator, I would tell you guys but I'd end up rambling lol, I don't wanna annoy you guys for it tho lol)
Next up
Idk, just wanted to show my fashion change since the snow is gone in the game haha. I thought it was pretty fancy
Goober alert
I don't think she liked being recorded while sweeping the road (I thought it was funny)
The Deep Poolrooms.
Just bells of my island theme (sorry about the start and I have no idea what to post XD)
I still really have nothing, but here's a somewhat old picture of how my cat wanted to sleep before, idk why she wanted to sleep like that
Since it is Mari's bday, I decided to post this, it's kinda old but eh, and sorry for the little glitch, idk how to fix it!
Whacha doing?