3 months ago

Just thought I say something that's been on my mind for a bit about FNAF3 wondering why I should live, is that there is no point doing the max mode for the game as it feels the same as night 6 and the reward is unlocking night 8 witch isn't beatable imo.

How did we go from game that is mid to worse fan game to exist in 2024 it's sad and it isn't going to get better. And you know what bothers me the most? aside from not crediting one of your bata testers (Fucking how?) and the number of said testers for this game WAS FUCKING 11! YOU HAD 11 BATA TESTERS AND YOU IGNORED ALL OF THEM!? If my game was so bad to play and that 8/11 told me that the game was shit I would have a heart attack from embracement and shame, but you know what I would do after crying my ass for fucking up so much? GET MY ASS back on my computer, go on a VC call and they can tell me to my face (voice whatever) what is wrong.

I believed in common since once and I still do, but I think it's been abandoned for laziness and greed to get famous without the thought nor the care for projects like there were years ago. I am going to say this for myself and anyone who even gives a shit about passion and it's that there isn't an easy way of doing things and commutation is the most important things that any leader director or anyone that represents something needs to do and needs to be responsible with the power of what they type say and so on. further more I'm tried of hearing "you shouldn't be mad, it's a free game made by people who care" or things like that and you know what that personally isn't good enough for me anymore as you can get away with anything with that logic and I will not abandon my standards for games and I don't feel bad for being honest. If you don't like something then that's okay and you shouldn't be disgraced for thinking different then everyone else when you voice your concerns about something. This whole thing has taught me to be direct honest sometimes even blunt but always speak in a opened mind and welcome anyone who is willing to listen to what others have to say even if I think is incorrect at first. There is so much I could go off about like the hundreds of sheep/drones that will defend and attack religiously like there life's are depended on it or how we still can't handle criticism even tho that's like rule.2 of being a game dev. I thank those who read this and remember to remind yourself of who you are and what you believe and not to be swayed unless proven by facts and you research everything yourself before agreeing with someone who could be lying, have a great day.



Next up

Quick question, does anyone know what happened to Satan's Factory 2 made by @Real_Glitchran ? Just noticed the game missing from my follow's and find that the game is now deleted. I'm assuming it's canned but an answer would be appreciated, thank you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite main line FNAF GAME! although simple with it's gameplay it's a good game with fantastic visuals and minigames. This game has the best replayability in the series and has one of the best endings ever, the music still gets me.

OH is that right!? so when someone admits to staking someone for a WHOLE YEAR AND HRASSES people that's fine but when I want to give awareness to you lot this is what I get? You know what fine then, dw about the block cuz I won't join back, what a joke.


Oh wow! 187 Followers! that's a lot of people. I have to say thank you all so much for the follows, although it's not my goal to reach a shit ton of these it's still nice to get from time to time. I hope you all have lovely days ahead and see you latter.


Replayed > Dormitabis all the way to night 10, got to say that this is still my go to fan game to this day. It has most of what I love about fnaf, sound design, textures and more and still is fun to play. Btw this image scares me and still does ;-; More:

''Could someone be at my window?''

Out of curiosity I went to give the J4 demo a try and I've got to say.. the game is complex with it's gameplay. I feel like there's a shit ton of things that were added for the sake of it and if I remember right this was meant to be ONE part of the game.