We reached over 700 plays of Cordillera! Pretty damn happy with that and can’t thank you guys enough. The videos, the comments and ratings have been awesome to read.
Another great thing about all these plays is all the bugs you guys found. So below you’ll find a list of Known issues and bugs that will hopefully be fixed with the next update. Also this update could take a little while as I’m working on a demo of something else that should be out with the next 2 weeks or so. But until that time, stay tuned for more!
Known issues and bugs
You can access all levels immediately in the map.
Pressing left or right during NPC dialogue can cause the player to slide in any given direction uncontrollably for a short time
Some issues with Double jump that need to be adjusted
Some Checkpoints don’t return you to them. Simple fix really and something that I overlooked.
Must add an option to skip dialogue.
Strange Issue
Some players report Surfaces, certain sprites and UI elements missing. I’m still trying to figure this out as I’ve only received 2/3 reports of this. But I will look to rectify this in the next update once I receive a little more specific info.
That’s all for now guys. Thanks for reading <3