Gorman Robotics: Brady's Legacy - Chapter 1
1 year ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I got some good news. I was able to get off my lazy unmotivated ass and work on the new office model! I have an early WIP render prepared to show off so expect to see it sometime today.



Next up

Took longer than I expected it to but here it is, the evolution of Brady the Bunny!

Look at these goofy little shits

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the full reveal of Mangled Alice as promised!

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

#ScaryMovie my favorite scary movie is The Shining

Such a good movie, I still remember some of the nightmares I got when I first watched it lol

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

What is this? A little bit of gameplay? NO FUCKING WAY

(Open Article)

We got a new proper map layout! (old one on the right)

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Extras work in progress