Larissa - CODE

4 years ago

Larissa-CODE New Update! Ver0.02d

After a week of intense work correcting bugs and polishing some mechanics, I am pleased to announce that the new version of Larissa-CODE has finally come out!

Major changes

Spectator View - New Command!

This command is necessary when you want to see the level before acting. To use it you have to write "Simul.Spectator". The camera will be unlocked and you will be able to explore all your current room.


".Game" command is now called ".Config"

I changed one of the four main commands as it caused some confusion with another command called ".GameObj". This makes the difference clearer and it is understood that ".Config" is for viewing the game options.

New Checkpoint System!

Many people told me (even my beta-testers, but I didn't listen to them lol) but the game needed a save point system to avoid having to do the whole level when making a mistake. So here it is! up and running! When you cross a save point Nora will make a little confirmation sound, this means that when you go back in time, you will respawn in that save point with a predefined amount of Fragments.

Collectibles on Each Level

Now in each level are hidden three collectibles, in the previous version they were also, but now they are shown in the level selection menu! 

New HUD Design

This is perhaps one of the changes that most affect the gameplay, the new design of the HUD is much more friendly than the previous version. Leaving the button to enter CODE Mode on the left, and the rest of the buttons on the right.

Also, the buttons on the HUD are no longer interactive when you are in CODE mode, so you can avoid pressing them by mistake when you want to select an object.


Shortcuts on the Controls

Now the controls are a little more friendly to more experienced players, here is a quick list of the new shortcuts.

  • When you are playing with Nora, if you press Space, you'll change to C.L.A.R.A.

  • With left click you interact with objects, if there's not interaction you'll drop the inventory objects.

  • With right click you switch between interactions.

New Collisions System

This may be a technical change that is not so noticeable to the naked eye, but it is still important. The new collisions system corrects some errors such as "Ghost Messages" that were shown when the player was not colliding with the object, besides being more optimal and consuming less resources.

Besides, now certain objects stop showing a message when CLARA carries an object and presses "Shift" to throw it.

New Update Notifications

The Main Menu computer automatically checks for game updates, if it finds one, it will send a message to the players notifying them of the new version, and sending them to the download page.

Level 1 - HARD Mode

The first difficult level is finally available! Cross the entire first level before the bomb explodes, a challenge for the most masochistic players!


Bugs Corrected

  • The value of an object changed when you create a Window.

  • CLARA couldn't enter doors.

  • Dynamic music gets interrupted if you switch too fast between characters.

  • Birds flap animation corrected.

  • Now you can take CLARA being Nora

To be honest there are many subtle changes, but I don't think they need to be mentioned. Thank you very much for keeping up with this project! In a few weeks wait for another big update, in the meantime I will eventually be uploading patches correcting bugs and adding a few small things.

See you next time!



Next up

I can't contain the excitement of sharing with you all the changes I' ve made to the the Larissa-CODE's project, wait a few days for a full article where I explain each change in detail:)

For now I' ll leave you with these in-game captures without context

Working in a little update for Larissa!

Here's a list of the changes: -Spectator and Restart Level commands -New checkpoint system (that will affect first level difficult)

-Some sprites changed to be more intuitive

-Minor bugs fixed


Just playing around with the new giant enemy~ I need to adjust some stuff to make it harder, but I'm really proud of what I already have:))

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

so I just reworked the second character of the game! I want to fix some bugs, add a few more enemies and a new level before uploading the first public version! (^^)b

Thanks to @TeamHalfBeard , it is Time to Morp.

Begin to Morp in your quest log and then Morp more here:

First time working in an Android game!🤠

I'll post it in the playstore in a couple of days, but before that I wanted to show you this little video, hope you like it<33

It has local multiplayer (split screen) and online multiplayer (dedicated servers) 🌝

Hihi, first alpha release is ready!!

I'll really appreciate if you take some time to try it out:)

@ddemkoo is a Jolter to Watch and a creator who makes games, music, art, websites, and everything else in-between! Follow @ddemkoo before the quest ends on March 11 and you'll get Coins!

Hihi, just wanted to show u this new feature in the game, you can now move objects around, and if an object is covered, you cannot interact with it:)