First things first: We are looking for music creators to compose music for the game. Please contact us either through comments, or via our Discord server.
Now onto the progression!
I hope you’re all doing well and I’m happy to say that we’ve been doing good too. Recently there were some new body parts designed, like the eyes and the arms you’ll see in-game.

We also improved (and still are improving) the performance a bit as a part of the ‘before the demo’ plan.

Above is a new door modeled recently, to be used in game.

Screenshot from the living room of the default player house.

A different part of the living room area.
This is about it for the post, but more is and will be coming, stay tuned for the next post, it might be about the release of the demo after all!
Don’t forget to contact us if you are willing to create music for the game!