Birth By Death
3 years ago

Last Pre-Alpha Update - BBD

The update containing new content and bug fixes

-Fixed bug outside of the old hangar that show the event with a sprite for some reason

-Changed Enemies Health HUD

-Fixed the HUD percentage%


-Updated the skill tree a little bit

-Added randomized weather

-Added Soul Chest

-Added one Soul Defense with x2 Memory Shard

-Added more characters

-Added more scenes to the story after the Second Boss Fight

-Finished the main quest story of the First Continent,will work on the second when the next update will be released

-Added a new Mine as a testing ground

-Added 1 Pickaxe

-Added one side quest

-Removed some useless plugin

-Increased the Second Boss Health

-Fixed the playtime reseting eveytime the player save the game quit the game and load the game and resave the game

-Changed the save screen temporary to see if the Playtime won't reset itself again



Next up

Seriously Again? another pretext ?


maybe back at work

Waiting for Yume RPG Builder be like

Samira 3D Model - SCP Force

Character Teaser + Teaser of the new section after the eight pages

Some info about the Yume RPG Builder two engines

Bifurcadon - SCP Force

3D Model

hyper realistic Tails Doll - Birth By Death

3D Model

Soon - BBD