LAST TWO DAYS! Spread the word, Oddventurers! Tell about Oddventure everyone. Tell your parents. Your neighbours. And their dogs. LET'S REACH 200% STRETCH GOAL!
Link to our campaign:
Next up
7 days left! Let's grab that third Stretch Goal, Oddventurers! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
You can support us here:
KICKSTARTER UPDATE! A lot of work with the story, the interactions and stuff! We want to make Oddventure feel more alive and interactive. Also some cursed-images-like enemies inc! More in the update. ^^ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oddventure/oddventure-rpg-0…
Mr Rabbit and Dodo has sure grown fast!
Thanks everyone for believing in Oddventure and supporting us! We've got 213% funded, woohoo! Now it's time to make a great game!
This is probably one of my favorite battle backgrounds in our game. I was amazed by the combination of colors used by our artust. ^^ Wishlist: https://t.co/C7ouCnB7Dd
Long awaited weekends lay ahead of us☀
A perfect time to admire the views of Arkana! Build a cozy house on lake shore, cook your masterpiece of a dish, invite some friends to the table and together meet a picturesque sunset🌄
Wanna hear a Joke? No? What about a... Kickstarter Update! Oddventure will go into Early Acces at 6th of March ^^ More info: https://t.co/xDvMqDaK7A
3 days past since the release of Oddventure demo. We are waiting for your comments. Join us on Oddventure discord channel! :D
We're done with most of formal Kickstarter stuff. Next week KS update: latebacking + surveys +some special translation announcement! 👀
Another little flavor for all of us. Tell me how many of you really spare this little pesky flower in first run?