Just letting everyone know that I’m alive and working on the game. Progress was slow for the past few weeks due to grad school classes starting. Now I’m settled in excited to get this done. Aiming to put 10-15 hours per week into the project.
Progress update since last time:
Worked with published author to flesh out main story and dialouge. He ended up writing 28 pages of dialouge for part one! Script for part 2 is still being written.
Finished intro cutscene, first miniboss, first boss and accompanying levels.
Selected Five Night’s at Fuckboy’s 2 as a template for gamplay values. This has and will continue to save a great amount of time.
Made lots of custom assets and took a deep dive into the inner workings of RPG Maker VX Ace.
I’m still here and am still working on the project- just got side tracked by real life stuff for a couple weeks.