
3 years ago



Well, it's December 12th 9th...

You know what that means...


After a year and 2 months of developing and 2 weeks of modifying, i bring you the Layerformer Demo - for Free of course! The demo contains the first 17 levels (T[utorial] - 16) from the base game for all to play. It even includes some (limited) modding abilities to do with skins and other things.

A small thing that is worth to note - The retail version of the game will be paid. I am still deciding on a price, but it will be for sure under $5-10 CAD.

Little sidenote before we continue...

The demo is based on a beta version (specifically beta25.rev_a), meaning that this does not reflect the final version of the game. There could be small stuff like minor texture changes or big stuff like remaking the title screen or rewriting the entire game.

There's also probably a nest of bugs somewhere, so if you find one, you can press [TAB] any time to pull up the bug report prompt.

Demo Limitations

Here's a small list of limitations in the Demo version that is not present in the retail copy:

  • No Minigames

  • No Game Jolt Integration

  • No Achievements

  • No Video Playback

  • No Bonus Content

  • Even though the save for the demo does work with the game as of now (beta25.rev_a on the beta branch), a lot could change in the future, so your beta save may not work in the future (that's fine however since the demo is short.)

  • No boss level (Level 15)


Here's a few screenshots from the game as well :) These will also be published on the game's store page later.

editors note: i only took screenshots of the first 5 levels because i'm lazy.


Download the Demo

[jump to the download page]

To get the demo, look for the (single) package labeled "Layerformer - Demo" and download that one.

There's only a Windows and Linux build right now (sorry mac people)


Closing words

With everything else out of the way, i just want to thank everyone with all of the support as well, i am a one man operation. Most of everything you see (except the music, i'll get into that) is made by me.

Again, thank you everyone

So, what about the music?

The music is not mine, it's really just placeholder music that i felt was OK to leave in the demo. In the full release, these tracks will be replaced by different tracks that sound similar to what you hear in game hopefully.

Happy Layerformering!

- @stuartt_mcoded




Next up

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Layerformer Demo v2.0 Released!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Things are getting spOoOoOoky! * beta footage - not final

chiming in to say that we still exist. hi

ok fine you get one screenshot of the level editor

The CJ Collection v0.5.4 + CJ The Game 3 v0.4.0 Update!

The CJ Collection v0.6.1 + CJ The Game 3 v0.6.0 Update!

Layerformer is dead! Kinda.. Sorta... almost? - 2023 Development update

please do not play Layerformer today and tomorrow it's all snowy and festive

Get ready... Layerformer Demo v2.0 is releasing in 2 days!