Space Jammers

8 years ago

Lets Play Contest Winners Announced!

Space Jammers Let’s Play Contest

To celebrate our Kickstarter campaign we ran a Let’s Play contest back in September. Now that the Kickstarter is in its second week we’d like to announce the winners!

First off a big thanks to everybody that entered the contest, it was really fun watching your videos!

1st Place

Our first place winner is a perfect example of how the game is best enjoyed: get some friends over and share the fun together. Congratulations to Gamerholics Anonymous with their video here. They get to help design an enemy live on Twitch this weekend during the development stream. They will also receive four Steam keys for the game when it becomes available this December.

2nd Place

Taking second place is Scythe Plays with his video here. Get to see what the game is about when you’re playing by yourself while being informative on how the mechanics work. Besides getting a Steam key, Scythe also gets to join the development stream live. He will be helping design a weapon for use in the game.

3rd Place

Third place is a Let’s Play by ArcJamie. Well, he mostly shows what not to do: dying a lot, but he does so with style. There’s even the occasional song! For that he gets a Steam key and think up a nickname for a boss. It’ll probably be the one he kept dying to in his video…

Special Shout-out

A special shout-out goes to Second Player, a Guatemalan YouTuber who made a fun Let’s Play of the game in Spanish. We don’t understand a word you’re saying, but you’re a funny guy. We also really like your hat!

Get Notified of NEW Streams

A big thanks to everyone who entered and we look forward to see what our prize winners will add to the game this weekend in our development live stream. Give us a follow on Twitch to be notified when the stream goes live!

Get Updated on Development

To stay up-to-date with development of the game follow on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and if you like what you see check the Kickstarter to pick up the game on discount for a limited time!

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