Alien Scumbags

4 years ago

Lets talk about the latest update, i'll start with the new additions/improvements before going into the bug fixes

This post will cover what's changed in V10.0.0 to V10.0.4

Ok let's talk about the new content and changes made, after that I'll go onto the bug fixes.

Content and changes
New boss added
A new boss battle has been added, dodge the explosive barrels as they rain down from above.


Dave's Emporium added
Stop by Dave's Emporium for all your ammunition needs

Acid is physics based now
This is something I am really proud off, you can now bounce around making waves, don't do it for too long though or you will die!


New song's added to L4 and L11
More haunting sci-fi melodies have been created by our music wizard Stu

Improved lazer damage on boxes

Pressing ESC/Circle or B on the Xbox controller will now exit character selection

Added ability to continue die fully
I want everyone to be able to enjoy all the content in Alien Scumbags so now when you die fully you can still restart from the last level, however your score will be reset.

Medpack icon now flashes when you have a medpack available
So many people have died because they didn't realise that they had a medpack, now if you have spare health it will flash at the top so you won't miss it.

Box shards now damage boxes

Mech gun moves faster

Heads can now be shot on Mech level
Get practicing your aim for the upcoming achievements

Fix for tape on L10
Fix for locker on tutorial
Fixes on various levels for dropping medpacks
L4 double death bug fixed
Boss 2 exploit fixed
Purple monsters are slower
Purple monsters now run slower

Rage mode fix

1 comment


Next up

I know this isn't specifically Gamejolt related news as this only affects the Steam release, but thought would like to see some of the Achievement logos.

New update coming just in time for Christmas!

fly across a pool of bubbling in acid in the brand new level coming very soon!


I works for a fair few hours to lower the size of the demo, but only needed up taking around 2mb off which seemed like a pointless amount really.

Anyway let's talk about the update coming in just a few days!

Version 9.0.1 is here!

I found a few bugs when I released the version on Steam, hence the reason for it being 9.0.1.

Here is what new stuff you will be able to enjoy in this update

A shot of the latest gory scene for the next update.

New update drops later today:

Check out all the improvements below.

Version 8.0 is huuuuuge!

Expand for full patch notes.

End of year sale! 50% off!

Here it is our end of year sale! Get your copy now.

Coming in the next big update:

Added two more things to the next big update. The Gameboy style mode (Rad Boy) and the way to get it which is the Pacifist mode. The game alters if you start beating levels with out killing anything, expand for more

It's sa meeeee.

Little look at one of the secret rooms in Alien Scumbags.

New update covering V13.1.0 - V15.1.0