Eclipse, introduced in Cube's Dark Hours 2, is a character that is a neutral mix of Lighthog's and Darkhog's design and personalities (to put it simply, she is the middle-ground of Lighthog and Darkhog).
However, her design always bothered me: this character was always meant to be a female character, the problem is that I didn't do a good job on showing it.
Before the release of CDH2's "Prizes Update" (and before the reveal of Fizzlepop), I had absolutely no idea on how I could draw female characters. That all changed with the "Prizes Update", where I drew Fizzlepop for the first time:
This random character design that popped into my head really resonated with me. Something about Fizzlepop's design, altough simple, was very interesting...
I started drawing Fizzlepop more and more, experimenting with her design idea, leading to this other image, and her design in CDH: The Pricklz (only to get decomissioned):
I'll stop talking about Fizzlepop.
With the redesigns of Lighthog and Darkhog, and the post-release of CDH: The Pricklz, I got inspired to redesign Eclipse as well!
And today, October 30th 2024, is where we end off with the hogs' redesigns. I will experiment more and more with this new design of Eclipse, but so far I'm really happy with her new design!
I hope you guys enjoy this new redesign of Eclipse!
As always, have a good day! If not, then good afternoon, good evening and good night!