We said a few months ago that we were working on a little update for Surfing Moai, an 1.1 update. That’s not true anymore, because we didn’t know when to stop and now we are naming it a 2.0 update (wow, a new number!). Yeah, that’s a little tricky because we are the ones naming it like that but well, we can do it and so do we!
We don’t want to spoil the things we are adding or improving of the game, not for now at least, but we wanted to let you know that we are still working on it and we want it to look good and be very fun, for new and old players of Surfing Moai.
Although, anyway, here you have a little sneak peek! The new menu. There are more things hidden on this new version of the menu, but you will need to wait to find them out.

It’s taking so long not because of the game itself, but for personal reasons among the Surfing Moai Studio members: we are very busy, nothing else. We hope it’s prepared very soon, but we can’t promise anything. We will release it when we think it is ready, that’s our mantra.