Porkchop's Wonder Farm

2 years ago

Little Update

Just wanted to let you know we are updating and redoing Cherry The Rooster since there were some doubts about his current design coming from the team and other people. I want to also introduce you our 2nd concept artist @TheGeminiGuy who will be helping with the new concept for Cherry and a lot of concepts for others casts of characters!

In other news, I've been a bit paused with the development of the game since I got other things to do, but I'm getting back to it slowly!

Also we are almost 100 followers away from 1k Followers, that's amazing! Thank you for all the support so far :)



Next up

Something cool about one customization feature for the props pack is that some props have layers for Static Colors and "Dynamic Colors" which every time you duplicate the same prop their base colours change to a completely different set of colours.

Porkchop's Wonder Farm | October 2024 Devlog


Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

Rat Race Production Update

Hey guys, currently I'm working on a FNaF Props Pack, which I'll be publishing as soon as I finish it! Currently working on the first version which are Party Rooms themed! Let me know what other props would you like me to do for this pack!


Learn a lot of facial rigging with this one!

Showstar Short Film

Premiering April 7th! (Check image for Time Zones!)