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trophy icon out of the pixel art oven (designed for tfoh not roltycore 2)
The YouTube vid wasn't getting a lot of attention so here it is
Hello everyone. As we all know I'm sick 🤢🤒 and my ENTIRE GOOGLE ACCOUNT JUST GOT WIPED OF THE FACE OF THE EARTH! This also means my YT channel. I started a new one. But I have a favor. My Bday is on February 18th (Read the article please!🥺🥺🥺)
The announcement... @Showbizdom22 @LittleBlueGamer
21 days til my birthday
Fina do something tomorrow and ever other day but here is your announcement
The rerun is awesome
Yeah I don't have anything besides the pic sooooooo.....
And so it's on! @Showbizdom22 has declared a race in followers for our games! Join me and help us beat him! Let's get TFOH to 100 followers by the end of February! Make posts with the hashtag #TFOHONTOP and spread the word!!! See you around my fellows!
⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ THE FIELDS OF HELL HAS HIT HEAVY PRODUCTION!!! THE TEAM IS BOUTA START GRINDING!!! LETS GOO BOIS!!! *follow the community and game page for more announcements! Consider my discord server and the website to 😉
it's starting to blow up
I got a PS5
20 days til my bday