I´m extremely happy to announce that my little game “Loop Raccord” has been selected as finalist for the “Nuovo Award” on the Independent Games Festival. This means a lot to me, not only the recognition of my attempts to explore new forms for videogames, but most of all because this year the jury was composed by developers like Jason Roher, Tale of Tales or Daniel Benmergui, who´s work I truly admire and are a source of inspiration for me. Plus, Jake Elliot´s “A house in California” is a finalist too!
The IGF says:
-Loop Raccord** (Nicolai Troshinsky)
A ‘video editing game’ involving synchronizing video clips, Loop Raccord was specifically noted for being a work that “would NEVER have been made by a commercial studio,” and for taking on the Nuovo Award’s challenge of “advancing the medium and the way we think about games” by dealing with aspects “more related to fine art than the gaming world.”
The only thing I regret is to be informed of this by the Indie Games Blog and not having recieved an e-mail from the IGF!
Anyway, thanks a lot!