---Lost cutscene---
Okay so this isn't really "lost" just old footage of the completed version of it before the voices and dialogue was removed. In the unfinished demo the dialogue is just invisible and there's no voices at all, so this is what it looked like.
---First ever design---

So this image has a funny story, first of all it was drawn for a school project, back when the game idea was just coming to mind (Mid 2021 is my best guess). Notice how this design looks more similar to the most recent design for the canceled games collection, well I made this drawing, changed the design for the actual game, then when making the cover art I drew this drawing and design from memory while also adding things I couldn't do at the time.
---Old cover art---

This was made with a template effect thing online, honestly probably the dumbest choice for a cover ever. I was just like "wo kul glitch effect i wan" even though Saturation Sonic is not a "4th wall break" type game. Even the green was a dumb choice I think it's all the template had but still Saturation Sonic's main color was purple/pink so just a really cover.