Color Soul: Memories
5 years ago

Lots of Things to Talk About! (10-7-19 Update)

Hey everyone! Welcome back! We’ve got a bit to talk about so let’s get right into it! :D

Yellow Desert Update

First thing’s first… the Yellow Desert area is completely done! This is two of three areas finished. I am in the process of starting the final area and having a group of close friends playtest the game so far. Once I finish all three areas, there will of course be the ending to make and some polishing/playtesting to do, but this is exciting for me! Hopefully the full game will be releasing in the near future!

New Game Price

I’d like to announce that I’ve reached a decision on pricing for the game. I know in the past I said it’ll be name your price, but I think it makes more sense for all the work I’ve put into the game (and will be putting in) for it to be $2.99. So when the game releases that will be the price. I’m sorry if that disappoints some of you, but I feel it needs to be done.

Game Soundtrack

There have been new music tracks added to the game soundtrack! The new additions are Title Screen, Crystal Temple, and Void Area. The OST is getting bigger and bigger as time is going on, so stay tuned for more cool tracks by Ethan Streblow!

Steam Release

And finally, I am beyond excited to announce that this game will be on Steam! It’s been my dream to get a game of mine on Steam (which is arguably the biggest online game store in the world) so I’m very happy that it worked out! All that being said, if you prefer downloading games on Steam rather than Gamejolt, you can find that game here!

That’s all for now! Thanks for the continued support, and I’ll be back later with another update!



Next up

May Devlog! Optimizations, Detail Work, and Sections Complete!

Color Soul: Memories Winter Sale! (52% OFF)

Moving On To The Next Area! (8-8-19 Update)

Full Game is Coming Soon! (10-31-19 Update)

New Original Game Demo Out Now!

Color Soul: Memories Sequel Announcement!!!

Official Dusttale Webcomic and 1 Million Views!

56% Off Color Soul: Memories Sale!!

Name Change and New Screenshot! (6-22-19 Update)

April Devlog! New Creature, Groundwork Laid, and Progress Made!