I am very pleased with the results of the ludum dare:
Here were the comments and my subcomments to the game:
SonnyBone says … THIS GAME IS SO HARD!
I like the concept, but it could stand to be more forgiving. Falling from the very top is a saddening experience.
If I ever get around to making my post compo I will be adding a feature to take you to checkpoints.
philomory says … The game is pretty fun in it’s way, but the controls feel extremely awkward. I did love the music, though.
Thanks, I find that most people liked the music in the game. Of the 5 hours I spent making the game I only spent 20 minutes on it making music. I was surprised by this.
Covenant says … Couldn’t run it, got a “Unexpected error running game.”
I apologize. As to why it didn’t load I don’t know.
TenjouUtena says … Audio is kickin’ here. Everything else is kind of meh. It’s a good complete game. The music is awesome, though.
I like the idea of ‘non’ platforms, but I had too hard of a time progressing!
Thanks. I was going to add a sparkily sound effect for bouncing on stars but did not find the time.
Hempuli says … It was addicting! I enjoyed the first level totally.
My original plan was was to only have 1 level and have it go about 3 times higher into the skies. with checkpoints. having a easy medium and hard mode difficulty based on how many checkpoints you would get. However, Once my player got so high on the screen, gravity reversed! Since I never fixed this bug, instead I made 3 small levels 2 of which were done at last minute. The first one was the start of my original course.
Zecks says … the game’s so quirky it owns
My personality is quirky so it figures that bleed through my game. Thanks Zecks, you made me smile when I read that.
localcoder says … Wow, too hard for me. The first row of blue stars is tough, and it just gets tougher. I got up to the orange sky.
It’s nice to stand on stars instead of collecting them for a change.
I’m glad you liked standing on stars, or bouncing on them in this case.
ippa says … slightly too hard.. I think you suck gamers in better if it’s easy in the beginning and they can feel skilled
. Cool concept, of all the ratings the highest went to Innovation.
I agree with you completely here. First level is much tougher than the 2 following it. This was a bad move on my part. Next time I enter I will keep this in mind. I don’t feel too bad though, this being my first ludum dare.
sirGustav says … that is one irritating tune
I felt bad because I didn’t add an option to turn off the music. Next time I enter there will be a off/on switch for music for those who don’t enjoy the quirky music I do.