This is also the Opening of a New Devlog GamePage Named: Deltarune-OFFENBACHRUNG. If you are interrested: Check out the Page!
Future Posts regarding Jumbo/LKS Themed Chapter/Darkworld will be posted here!
This is also the Opening of a New Devlog GamePage Named: Deltarune-OFFENBACHRUNG. If you are interrested: Check out the Page!
Future Posts regarding Jumbo/LKS Themed Chapter/Darkworld will be posted here!
Hey there guys; I have something to say to you all.
We may give the Dedication Soulmode Mechanic over to Icede (Patience/Cyan), to fit more with the Switch Soulmode.
But what does the Pink Soulmode do Instead? Suggestions below please!
This is a little Post about my Interpretation of the previous Humans Souls.
Read Article for explanation.
A Quick reminder to all peeps out there!
Anthro. Animal ≠ Furry.
According to the Bartle Test I am a for the majority a Explorer.
Altough I am not entirely sure if all Questions were correct, may redo it in the Future.
The Pink Soulmode is a Mix of Determination and Perseverance, the Soul of Dedication, Love, and Pride.
This GIF [Which was made a long while already] shows a Proof of Concept to how the Pink Soul works.
Made some more Concept Drawings of Miss FreefallTower-Lady here (I need to come up with a proper Name lol), while also trying to rework her Design a bit more.
My Question is: Is it better without or with Wings on her Arms?
Only toby said that are testing some bugs thats all!
Made a In-Battle Sprite version for Chad Oe, altough I may still change it.
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