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Beyond Darkness (Television World)
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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Cancan de la Liberté [Made by Trollbyte]

"Not so Long ago; There was a World Created by Young Minds, driven by Creativity and Innocent Fun; A Darkworld filled with Colorfull and Strange Beings, living in Harmony amongst themselfes. One Day however; one of them got visited by a Strange Man, recieving an "OFFENBACHRUNG" and has acted different ever since then. Even as Time passed; The Little Recycle King is still around, still waiting to bring the Final War of Peace..."


OffenBachrung is a Devlog created for the Little King's Story Themed Chapter: Little Kris's Story. This one is focused on the Secret Boss of that Chapter: Jumbo Champloon AKA Jumby Champ.



Jumbo Champloon was one of the [If you at least go Chronological] Last Bosses you Fight before the Main Final Boss, and is mainly considered a Fan Favorite. [Besides Characters like TV Dinnah, Onii King, ETC]

In this Fan-Take Jumbo has been converted into a Secret Boss, and has alot of a different Personality then the one in Little King's Story, however tries to remain accurate in certain Aspects.


Jumby in this Take used to be the King of NEW ISLANDS (Nowedays changed to: NEW CITY), however has been dethroned from the Knight of Alpoko (Now deceased) and left to wander behind Dark corners of the Island. Still: His Dreams and Will to appease his Creator and God remain, never resting until he fixes the World and Re-Unites with his Creator/God. A Dream destined to be shattered..



Team & Credits

✧ @T-Samuel - Main Director of the Take ✧

✧ Toby Fox - Original Deltarune developer ✧

✧ Town Factory, CING, Vanpool, Konami, Marvelous - The People behind Little King's Story ✧

✧ TV Dinnah - Not sure why he is Credited.. ✧

✧ #deltarune | #undertale | #fangame | #rpg | #adventure | #BeyondTheDark | #altgame | #littlekingsstory ✧

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Hey there guys; I have something to say to you all.

We may give the Dedication Soulmode Mechanic over to Icede (Patience/Cyan), to fit more with the Switch Soulmode.

But what does the Pink Soulmode do Instead? Suggestions below please!

Honestly: This is basicly the Dedication Soulmode lol

Screenshot taken from:

Undertale - Alphys Neo Fight - True Ending
Oh! a new description!Hello guys, i really hope that you enjoy the video :3Give me a like if you like it, and if you not give a like too!The download was in ...

Craftians of New Island/NEW CITY, and yes: They are Milk Carton's Basicly.

Unlike in the Original Game; There will be alot of variation of People, not just Milk Carton Heads. But that you will see another time...

Cant have a Little King's Story FanProject without a TV Dinnah, this is what I have currently for him.

The other Kings dont really Play a Role in this Jumbo themed Project, but TV Dinnah may appear shortly, who knows..

The Pink Soulmode is a Mix of Determination and Perseverance, the Soul of Dedication, Love, and Pride.

This GIF [Which was made a long while already] shows a Proof of Concept to how the Pink Soul works.