Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great thanksgiving! I have some news, I now have the ablity to publish in HTML5 format! This is a great thing, because it allows people to play the game without having to download any files. However, there have been a few minor setbacks. When I originally made the project, I decided to go for a normal 1920x1080 resolution. Apparently this does not translate well when using the HTML5 module. I will see about releasing a fix for this within the next week. Stick around!

I have introduced a custom cursor so that way the game feels more customized. Im thinking about a system where the player can make his/her own cursor!
I have also been introducing some additional game mechanics, including another pick-up with higher points (to balance out the game a little). I have yet to change the amount of points you lose when you die, but I will increase it to balance out gameplay some more.

I have also had some trouble with game objects because I deleted one by accident and it threw off some of the scripting. It took me about an hour to track down the problem and I created a new object in its place.