Progress Update:

First thing's first, I finally changed the title logo from being plain white text, and made it fit with Hellboy's original color scheme like with the directional entrance/exit arrows.
Realized some of the planned main story quests would be short enough that they could just be added into other quests, so now the main story will have sixteen total quests.
Finished the other four quests in the chapter of the game's story where you fight and stop Virtua, leaving only six more quests to finish before the main story is complete. At the end of this chapter, you can either decide to spare Walter or kill him. However, if you're unable to find a way to convince him to stop, you'll be forced to kill him anyway. Giving him something that can show him the error of his ways will most likely get him to stop.
Polished/improved more maps.
Since there's only six more quests in the main story left to complete, the main story should be finished in the next few months unless something unexpected happens. I already have an idea of what I want to do, so all I have left to do is actually make it.