4 years ago

Major Update - Bubbaruka V7: The Puzzle Update

Hello everyone! This update is focused on implementing segments and features I wanted to include before but didn't have time for, as well as making many general improvements. This update will add several new puzzles to the game, especially to Miboo's area as it lacks many puzzles. 

This update also adds rooms to the Adoption Center, an area where you must be stealthy and sneak by enemies, as well as major expansions to the Hospital, with all new puzzles, notes, and more!

A full list of changes can be seen below.

Fixed a bug preventing you from achieving the good ending after restarting the game after obtaining the first vault key but before unlocking the vault.

Added graphics to the boarded up door in the first hallway and the crowbar.

Fixed assorted continuity issues.

Added arrow graphics to certain areas.

Added more entry points into the backscenes in the Bubby Spy Time levels.

Moved the tomo half to the First Floor door, and changed the location of the other half

Removed first floor key, now tied to the tomo half.

Added lockpicks, certain locks can be picked using lockpicks, initiating a small lockpicking minigame.

Moved the block password puzzle to the dining hall in Miboo's area.

Removed many keys, now replaced by various natural blockages, passwords, lockpicks, and combination locks.

Added a shape puzzle to the first floor mailroom of miboo's area, which must be solved to get the second lever.

Added a pickable lock to the locker room closet, which must be picked to get the third lever.

The lounge gate is now shown opening when pulling the third lever.

Added various scripted scares to parts of the game. 

Removed the console from the caves, the gates now only need the batteries to be inserted.

Added a locker with a rotational lock to the caves, which must be unlocked to get one of the batteries.

Expanded all rooms in the caves to allow you more space to avoid getting caught by Bubboo.

Removed several locked doors in bubbyville, many inaccessible buildings now simply have no visible door.

The adoption center is now an accessible area, which is infested by nubbies that you must sneak past and avoid being seen. The adoption center must be explored to progress the game.

Expanded the hospital heavily, several new rooms, halls, stairways, puzzles, scares and notes.

The hospital elevator now makes actual sense.

Added a new puzzle to the Church.

Modified several things in Onaga's house, most keys replaced by other items.

Added a map to Warn's encounter, showing you which room you are currently in, and where other rooms are.

Your progress in Warn's encounter is now saved even when you die.



Next up


The Final Act of Bubbaruka is now in production...

The Bubby Update : Full changelog


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Another Release Date Postponement

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A new face, and a new smile.

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