11 months ago

Making The Game More Fun!

This update should reduce frusteration and curate your first skirmish a bit better.


-Cranked up the Wendigo's cost and threw in a fire vulnerability for good measure.

-Put an informative flag on the ancient skeleton warrior to make it crystal clear that it very much resists arrows.

-Made the default world age setting Middle Ages (aiming to craft a more curated first skirmish game for newbs that start skirmishes without tweaking anything).

-Ensured the default dark force isn't one of the "multi" types or "It Follows" - those are intended for challenge runs (This change is part of the aformentioned curating)

Added an option to pick "none" for your dark force, giving you more control over your game setup (It also informs you that you could have just ticked the box below it to disable them).(This change is ALSO part of the aformentioned curating)

-Archers now have a hard counter bonus against Ghouls.(They were supposed to always be that way)

-Popped ihandy little flags on several units hinting at "hey, maybe try something other than archers against this, it's pretty tough!" - so players can see their folly.(Also part of the aformentioned curating)

-Rolled out a discreet but major tweak to the advantage/disadvantage system to cut down on frustration. Let's see if you can figure out what I did there... (Another change to make the game less frusterating for newcomers)



Next up

Oo actually got 4 downloads yesterday. Hope folks like it! Anyway dice time!

Rolled a nat 20. Man i feel like I should do something special for this but I can't come up with anything.

Still. Free. Though.

Rolled a 13.

It’s still free.

"Assassins, Cults and Fungi Oh My" DR4X Changelog #86 2/18/2024

Changes for 0.1.28 below:

And second one...

Still free.

Someone got the bad ending... DR4X Changelog #80 11/05/2023

Plentiful Harvest and Ichor and Pqvv'Ger rebalancing.

Rolled a 12. Still free.

Baa. DR4X Changelog #81 11/24/2023

Welp finally rolled a 4.

Game will no longer be feee when I get around to updating it tonight I guess.