Having unique characters is a must for Multi-Core Collider. However to maintain a streamlined and inexpensive game concept the design of each character should be relatively simple.
With this came the idea to construct various different types of “cages” for each sphere. The next question that came to mind was: Should the characters have significant differences in attributes (statistics) or should simplicity be maintained by instead opting for swapping out skins?
In the end the best option seemed to be performing a hybrid of the two. No extremes in individual design but still a substantial degree of variation in attributes.
Here’s a list of the character attributes that were decided on and a brief description of each:
-Max Health (which is also the mass)
-Max Angular Velocity (the maximum speed at which a sphere can spin)
-Torque Force (in simple terms, how quickly a sphere accelerates)
-Air Force (in simple terms, how quickly a sphere accelerates in the air)
-Jump Height (minimum height the sphere jumps when input is sent)
-Jump Extension Strength (how much higher when the input is held)
-Jump Extension Duration (how long will the held input apply additional force)
-Slow Down Speed (how fast the sphere will come to a stand still)
-Impact Force (how hard the sphere hits)
Some secret attributes have also been included but will not be disclosed. It will be up to the players to test each character and feel out which has the best set of attributes for their style of gameplay.
The end goal really is to have the players form an overall opinion of each character based on the spheres physical appearance and how the game mechanics feel for the particular sphere during a the matches.