3 years ago

Man, that's a big dev_Log

So yeah, been awhile since I last gave any updates, so here is what's happening

The office and some cameras are getting a redesign, with the office getting the biggest change due to it getting redone with different placement "nothing to drastic tho"

Of course there will be Skins, but of course they aren't 1st priority and each character will have 2

There will be an extras menu and gallery for if you want to view each character and each of their posses

New characters will be introduced and they will have their own lore

Speaking of lore, this game will have its own story for players to find out

Some characters are having their mechanics changed, I won't say any specifics though

There are plans for a demo, all that we have right now is a prototype, but don't worry this ain't dead.

Me and the team will do our best to inform you more about this game and it'd progress, see you all on the other side.



Next up

The voices are getting louder Anyway have your FNaS slop + some important things

Very Cool thing (Trophies!)

Ok so two things... First thing, these are the designs for the withereds by @Toasty998 , if you haven't noticed they are the head artist, and you should go support them because they make super good art, 2nd thing is Withered Sonic's mechanic (In article)

Behold, withered sonic! Design by @Toasty998 , also he WILL be one of the two characters getting their mechanic's changed, but I won't say anything for now

If gamepage gets to 20 followers i'll reveal a new Golden, comment a random date and whatever date is chosen will get revealed (if it exists)

ik I said you'd get stuff last week but I am dying w/ the flu currently so it took a while, anyway this is '15, he'll probably get redrawn since this is an old ref but he should remain relatively the same

Proto Sonic design by @virus65 . Proto Tails is currently in progress.

Concept for 2 + Withered Sonic and our OFFICAL RETURN!!!

Proto Tails by @virus65 !

All the character designs are done now!