11 months ago

Mario in Animatronic horror Update 2

Hey everyone, Hope you all are doing good.

So we were going to drop the trailer for MIAH this week.

But our dev's are taking their time with animation and sprites and voice lines.

So the screenshot you guys saw, Those sprites are NOT going to be final and their going to have their own original sprites instead of re-using the same Superstar saga sprites.

Chapter 2 is pretty much done and the build is ready to go.

But the animated cutscene that was required is not done,

and if I were to release it now, it would not be good.

So, due to make sure this game is worth the play we have to delay the trailer and demo to make sure everything looks just right.

I do got to thank heavily for my team and testers for making sure the game runs good and fixes I had to make.

So I hope the wait will be worth it.

In the mean time since releasing is on hold till the new sprites are ready, I'm going to resume focusing on my Youtube channel

Which you can sub here:


Hope to keep you guys updated soon.




Next up

Mario in animatronic horror Chapter 3

Now in development

(Now that my big video projects are out of the way, time to get back to work, Render by NoNameDaGuy)

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(Edit: Spelling error)