6 months ago

Mario in animatronic horror UPDATE!

Been keeping you in silence eh?

Yeah a lot of stuff has been going on IRL and it's been really draining my motivation but I keep trying to work my butt off on this remake.

Chapter 3 is 90% done we still got stuff to program and a cutscene still needs to be animated

We were going to get a 2nd trailer out but me and the team thought it was too soon so I apologize for the delay.

I've also been trying to focus on my youtube channel too but it's hard to work on both stuff at the same time while also keeping myself relaxed.

But I will say it's still not cancelled I'll tell you that but development has been very slow.

But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end I know I said this a lot but several people kept asking me over and over and it can get stressful.

in the mean time enjoy this new teaser for chapter 3.



Next up

Mario In Animatronic Horror Demo Release date!

Mario in animatronic horror Update!

Brooklyn News!

(Edit: Spelling error)

Mario in animatronic horror

FNAF 10 year anniversary Teasers

Mario in animatronic horror REMASTERED Update #1

Mario in animatronic horror Update!

Mario in animatronic horror Chapter 3

Now in development

(Now that my big video projects are out of the way, time to get back to work, Render by NoNameDaGuy)

Mario in Animatronic horror Update 2

Mario in animatronic horror Update!

July 7th 2024

Mario in animatronic horror Chapter 4 Teaser: "What is this? Who are you?"