Gravity Falls: PinesQuest 2D
5 years ago

May 2019 Update!

I deeply apologize for not posting a proper PQ2D update for more than 2 months now. The game is as alive and well as ever, there unfortunately just hasn’t been much to discuss regarding it lately.

I’m basically still working on the same stuff I’ve been working on for roughly the past year or so: refining the maps, turning my outlines into fully written out cutscenes and programming the dungeons in the second half of the game, now that the assets are all finished. Back in early 2018 I thought this would only take a couple of months… and I might have been right about that if this game was my full time job. Sadly it’s not, as much as I wish it was!

You might be wondering then, “So why don’t you get more people to help you?” I actually did for a while but it wasn’t producing results I was happy with. That’s not to say the folks who were kind enough to lend me a hand were doing a bad job! I just realized it was too difficult to communicate a lot of specific details about what I needed, leading to a lack of consistency between the things each of us were doing. This meant I’d end up making adjustments to so much of what I got help with that I came to the conclusion I was probably better off handling it on my own, rather than wasting someone else’s time. (Fun Fact: Apparently something similar happened to Toby Fox when he was creating Undertale, which is why he ended up creating almost the whole game entirely by himself. Knowing this also makes me feel less bad about being in pretty much the same situation.)

At the time of this post, here’s what’s currently complete beyond the demo:

  • Dungeon 6 is playable, but only the first half is in a finished state. You can walk through the second half but there’s no enemies, items, cutscenes or boss yet.

  • Dungeons 7, 8, and 9 are in the same state as 6′s second half, so again you can walk through but that’s it.

  • Dungeons 10 and 11 aren’t programmed in at all yet as I’m working on finalizing their maps and overall structure.

  • Additional content (bonus bosses etc) has to come last so that’s not been started, though it’s already all planned out.

Another way you could put it is if the first half of the game is currently in an open beta (which it sort of actually is, given the demo), the second half is in something of a closed alpha. The foundation is nearly all there, I just have to keep building on top of it, however long that takes.

Thank you so much for your patience, support, and following the development of PinesQuest 2D! As always, stay weird! ❤︎



Next up

PinesQuest: (A Romance of) 2Dimensions - The Full Game

Final Boss Theme Lyric Video

PinesQuest 2D: The Gravity Falls Game That Almost Was - VIDEO

We'll Meet Again!


Version 0.8.1 Released

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