So yeah this is Kelly after the "Bad Bright Future Ending"
What did the Wild-Three Animatronics made with her?
Why is she an Animatronic like them now?
So here the Non-Spoiler (Easy Spoiler):
Kelly was "Animtronic-fied" and she got reprogrammed! She was made to the leader of the Wild Three, the singer! Now Lenard (the Leopard) isn't the leader anymore, he gave her the leader post, and he is in love with Kelly! But who did that to the animatronics and who is the one who is playing around with them?
This you will find out in the First and the rest parts of:

And here the lore Spoiler, for those who want to know more:
Well actually this is not the direct work of the Wild-Three!
Somebody is playing with the Animatronics like with puppets! So the Animatronics have their own mind and have their own likes and dislikes... but if they are under control, they are doing what their "Master" want!
That's why they chased and tried to catch Kelly in the game!
They were just puppets, which had the command to get her, and the rest is their "Creator's" work!
*Greetings from Kellstar* and the Game Dev Pixel-1 Games
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