These Dark Hours In A Place (Five Nights at Andersons Remake)

1 year ago


Happy Holidays with your happy jolly families everyone! Such as our little family thats grown aot throughout the years.

Now its time to open our presents!


Time to reveal the names for the games since its pretty obvious that there all remakes anyways.

These Dark Hours In a Mansion, the 4th game is already obvious, but the third game is These Dark Hours In a Factory. Which I'll explain when TDHIAW is over maybe.

There also will be a potential 5th game facing an old friend...

These Dark Hours In a Warehouse Production:

A small present, but since its the holidays i started working on this game and Blue B at the same time, but their likley not gonna release this year this time, so expect the both of these somewhere 2024.

TDHIAW Development: 10%

QNA Announcment:

After TDHIAW along with the updates of the DLC and FNAA 1A, I'll be setting up a QNA soon, but be sure to not ask any questions that are rude or that i don't wanna answer.

Bugs Fixes:

For real this time, It seems that I've fixed all the bugs in all of these games (except TDHIAD's DLC yet.), so feel free to play them without any harm of gameplay again.


So, yea, thats all the presents and updates i gave you all today, feel free to follow or like the game if you wanna see more updates, or you just like the game in general. See you all soon!

OH, i almost forgot, join the discord server! ends in 7 days.




Next up

Upon the horizon is something far from the 1960's coming straight to you tomorrow.

#fnaf #tdhiam #mansion #1960

It has been decided that their will be a demo for TDHIAM, extending up to 3 nights! But they're wont be any cutscenes or any post game content.

The whole Weshek controversy be like

5 years ago today, my family helped me to make my own channel, used to be under the name of (my real name which I'll not reveal.)

Thanks for being on my side for 5 YEARS!

Small taste for what's to come!

Show @Morilix07 some support for all the hard work he's been putting into with us.

How was the demo? What can I do to improve the gameplay?

(Image unrelated)

We are so back, chat

i've dark hours these mansions before