Welcome to Bob's Reboot: Winter Wonderland

2 months ago

Merry Christmas Folks!

Happy Birthday our lord and salvation, Jesus Christ

(This is a quick model for Bob That I made and think is bad I need feedback for this model) anyways.

I and the @PurpleHatStudios have been planning a series of horror content mostly myself.

Trailer: The trailer is live in about a few hours so better raid the premiere I'm about to set up soon.

Prologue game: I am finished with the teaser game I've been working on and is coming out now.

Development: Super, DUPER, Amazing I like how the assets from Purple Hat Studios are so pixelated and the team's storytelling for the game.


Analog horror: yes the game has a VHS fnaf series, and I'm excited for the results of it, what the opinions from people are, and what needs work on.

That is all I wanted to tell you guys about and see you in the next one, HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

-HOLLY JOLLY SOOM, sent by The Green Santa

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Next up

Another thing @AltPnjGames made for the game. Introducing Talkshow Lenny the Lion and Charles the Snowman Get him to 100 followers!

After my absence and inactivity, I am finally back!

Here's this cardboard cut-out for the game's assets!

#GJAsks probably going to be Tails from sonic

I made this thing.

I think I might have pink eye. It hurts.

I'm pretty sure you guys already saw @AltPnjGames 's post about making the monitors. So I wanted to make my version of it but not textured.

Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?


Guys I finished Duke the Dog from the Old Band!

Door. (STUFF IS STILL A W.I.P!!! Also, please follow my game. I am trying to get at least 500-1,000 followers.)

Thank you, @Imposter-11 , for the sticker packs, and @RafHat , for following the game to 60 followers! In return, I made the withered version of Duke the Sheriff Dog from the old band! How is it?