Hello, it's... uh, been quite a while, hasn't it?
Ever since I published this game page all those years ago, I never once expected it to become as popular as it is. Just a simple, small concept in the middle of a sea of others. But now? Here we are.
I can't lie, I'm glad you all, despite with what little was shown, actually cared for this project.
However, I can't say that I'm 100% proud of how it has shaped over the years.

Ever since the... not so unfortunate lost of FNaS 1 Restored (I don't think a single soul even remembers that), I thought to myself. "What if instead I make a game where Mighty was the main star of the show?"
I changed the entire game page, tried building up a mystery that lead up to the reveal of Mighty Majesty.
And... yikes! That was the worst mistake I ever did. I felt like I revealed it too early with nothing to show except a couple of designs. Not really the smartest move, but hey, I was like 11 years old :-/

I started working on the game, bit by bit. Called some of my friends to assist on this progress, came up with plenty of ideas on the spot.
I hoped that I could get this game finished for once. After several failed attempts both before and to come.
Eventualy, though, I begun to slow down. I realized that I was not proud of how the game looked art wise. I felt like my dev team didnt really want to continue working on it.
But I was too stubborn, what to expect ¬_¬ I felt like if I tried remaking I'd go back on track. [Incorrect Buzzer]! Wrong-a-mundo lil kiddo!
I thought that maybe I should just suffer through it, and maybe I'd regain motivation. Guess what? Nope... wrong... again...

I begin worrying too much that people would hate the final concept. So I decided to phase it out and work on other people. Especially for a certain... person... :-(
But this game still kicked in the back of my mind. I wanted to go back to it. I did a couple of times, before once again giving up and doing other stuff in the meantime.
With no coder, no motivation and no reason to continue forth, yet still not wishing to completly cancel it. I simply slapped an "Indefinite Hiatus" on the title and hoped people would end up forgetting it.

And now? I'm here with 500+ followers on this. All who were probably waiting for a game, that I never delivered.
But before I vanish. I have one last announcement.
I will completly overhaul Mighty Majesty.
I can't bring myself to work on this game how it is right now.
The artstyle, the mechanics, the story.
So I decided to just say "Screw this" and I will remake the game from scratch.
This might not be the best idea, but it's the only one I'm willing to go through with.
And... that's it.
I'm sorry if reading this wasted your time.
Though this game as a whole has wasted everyone time so idc
What comes next, I dont know. Maybe I'll find out over time... maybe I'll make even dumber mistakes.
I just hope that one day I can be happy with this game. I can look at it and say "awesome sauce". Until that day, I'll be off this page for a while again.
Stay MaJesting, fellow Mightys.