Update Changes:
Fixed an issue where the game might crash if you're using the 'Mystery Flavor' setting.
Fixed an issue where pop up ads from the 'Ad-Blockn't' setting could end up stuck on screen after the battle is over.
Slightly tweaked Attack 14; "Poppup Ads" so it's a little easier.
Slightly tweaked the Spiders section in Attack 16; "Mike's Big Finale" to better ensure you don't get stuck in place at the end and get hit by a random spider.
Fixed an issue where Mike wouldn't say his Genocide Ending dialog if you killed him before the last turn. (Actually, he was never supposed to actually reach 0 HP, but I think I'll keep that feature.)
Thanks to everyone who has played Mike Malware! Even if it's not anywhere near the greatness or popularity of Rouxls Kaard, it was still fun making it.
For the 0 people who were wondering, this is what Mike looked like before he banished himself: