The Introduction of The History of the #11thParodyHandW of Minecraftia
So let's not waste for anything now and let's get started!!!! And yes folks, I know it's been very late here and everything, but April of 2024's almost over and everything!!!! And we want this #3rdAndFinal Chronicle here for the "Minecraftia Parody Husband & Wife Chronicle Series" to be done and finished here!!!!
And as for this #ParodyHandW Chronicle here, we're now talking about both Icey Cold Ender Dragon (ICED) the Ice/Snow Ender Dragon and Saiko from the SMG4 Universe, which she was teased alongside with Melony way back on November 6th, 2023!!!!! And like I'd said before, Saiko was the 2nd SMG4 Character that was ever to be teased from me ever!!!!! Now then, let's get this over with here....Shall we?!?!!!!!
Chapter One - What a Saiko Parody Wife Right Here!!!!!
To start, we have of course, none other then "Saiko Bichitaru", better known as just "Saiko" also!!!! From just looking at her from this perspective here, she was the PERFECT option for a perfect future parody wife for good old ICED the Icey Cold/Snow Ender Dragon!!!!!! From that massive new designing makeover, to the giant hammer or mallet, and to that beautiful Japanese-like accent!!!

Saiko here was one of the best choices out there!!!! It's not just that though because she's also an absolute badass fighter as well!!!!! A wonderful performer/musical band made as well included!!!!! From her talented musical vocals and towards her crazy and terror-ed humor and/or attitude, Saiko's an unstoppable beast!!!!!
She is also known as some of the original antagonists among the SMG4 Universe as well too!!!! I have like no ideas or clues on why that was a thing back then, but overall, Saiko was arguably one of the best choices for being a future Parody Wife of Minecraftia!!!! And already, we're just getting started here!!!!!
Chapter Two - Like ICED Before, "I want to have a Relaxing and Snowy Day Please?!?!!!" Thank You!!!!!

Yeah!! That name of this second chapter here speaks for itself here huh!?!?!!!!! Anyways, this right here's of course, known as "Icey Cold Ender Dragon (ICED)", known as the Ice Ender Dragon or the Snow Ender Dragon of Minecraftia!!!!! Unlike FED the Fire Ender Dragon and Forrcess the Forest Ender Dragon, good old "ICED" here doesn't much here to say about his dark past moments or even just his backstories for that matter.............
.............However though, he DOES have only ONE backstory!!!!! And the only parts that were part of his backstory was that, ICED just gets BORED all the time and he doesn't get so active at night or during the day!!!! It's normally because he's just some frozen couch potato!!! And that means that ICED hates doing active things!!! Like going outside, playing with friends, and even just getting so pro-active from working out and everything!!! And none of this stuff doesn't even matter for him anyway because ICED's just a plain and dead of a active person!!!! I guess this is just because that his body's literally made out of both ICE and SNOW!!! So yeah!!!!!
It wasn't until of course, 209 years later, that ICED met Saiko for the first time ever!!! And with her on his side, ICED's like now more active then ever!!! Perhaps too pro-active!!!! And I forgot to mentioned this at the start of this second that ICED breaths out ICE and/or SNOW out of his mouth!!!! And we all know what his fire breathes do to our worlds right!??!?!!! Frozen them!!! And of course, covering it with just snow also too!!!!! And of course, at like almost all of the ends of these things right here and now, that this is exactly why that both ICED and Saiko here are like arguably one of the most positive and one of the best choices for being the #3rdParodyHusbandAndWife here in Minecraftia!!!!!!
And with that being said here folks, this was the #3rdAndFinal Chronicle here for the "Minecraftia Parody Husband & Wife Chronicle Series" for today!!!! As of right now, the other Chronicles are still in the works, so make sure to stay tuned like around in May of 2024 to see more and more future updates!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #ICEDandSaikoAreProActives!!!!!!!!!
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