green sans old page

9 months ago

mini update

hey everyone! just here to keep you all in on the loop of things.


we’re still getting used to learning godot, so in the meantime we’re just making as many new assets as we can so we’ll be prepared when we’re ready to tackle coding again.

first off, i'd like to introduce you all to the new team members.

we have two new artists on the team, @__b and @marshber !

you might recognize __b's work from UNDERTALE: ICEBOUND. the art in that game is beautiful, and im very grateful to have their talents for green sans! they've helped out a lot with replacing the assets we lost when wren got exposed.

marshie is a very talented artist who has helped out with concept & reference art for the characters, as well as the "bigger sprite" stuff like shopkeepers. (which you'll see below!) you can follow them on twitter by clicking here.


we also have two new musicians helping us! @octigone and @DEVPHO !

both of which have made very good fnf music so if thats your cup of tea you can check out their stuff

octi is a really talented musician AND artist who has a really good style in both of their fields of work and i heavily encourage you check them out! they have a really nice underswap take you can look at by checking out their art on their twitter by clicking here. if you're interested in hearing their music you can click here.

PHO is another person with a really distinct style that you'll hear in a few places in the final game! he actually worked on hit single & garn47 so thats really awesome (i really like garn47) he also makes original music as well, and you can find his music on youtube by clicking here!


we plan on releasing new tracks in packages of 4 from now on, and we’re halfway done with the first package! (the track i posted above isnt public yet so dont bother looking for it)

other news

we’re also very excited to unveil a character many of you already know and love as a side character in the final game!


we're also about halfway done animating a trailer announcing a new partnership with a very successful and popular game! we're excited to show you it once its done, and i think you all will be very pleased with what it is!


something i'd like to clear up is that we're trying our hardest to make this game something more than JUST a joke game. that doesn't mean this game won't have humor, it's just calling this game a joke game is a disservice to what it is we're actually bringing to the table, since it'll be more than JUST a sans fight fangame.

we're very excited to show you all what we have in store for the future, and we can't wait to show you just what exactly green sans will be about!


with love from AWESOME GAMES




Next up



he's coming guys

Gren sand phase 3

For contest in Green Sans discord server


my yale master mr nickolas krustackens

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Phase 3 WIP bois


if we reach 1000 followers by the end of the year i am going to publish the showcase 2 video in my channel!!!



ok so about this

im going to post the video soon