
3 years ago

Model WIP

Hello everyone it's been a while but were back with a update. This time it a wip shot of one of the animatronic. Meet Timmy the Trutle, the shy, keyboardist of Lucy & Co. He tries to teach the children to "Follow your Dreams" Model made by @ToastBurnt



Next up

Sprite Update/Sprite Showcase

New header/Thumbnail for project

Here's a video showcasing our first town for Pokémon: Creation of Chaos. The lovely Arista Town, the place where your journey begins. (No buildings yet since they are being currently made.


Hello everyone I hope you're having a wonderful day. We're back with another sprite update this time we're featuring the regions rock pseudo Pokemon made by @TReis . The first two typing's are rock/ghost while the final evolution is steel/ghost. Enjoy :)

Rat Race Production Update

Update/New Battle Sprites

If your intrested in trying a new experience check this mod out!!! (Curently 1 song atm, more will be added in the future)

New pokemon