Major changes
Upon collecting every Anubis part you unlock “ANUBIS HAZMAT UNIT” suit wich can be equipped in “Geofront”
After the suit is destroyed you don’t go back to Geofront. “Anubis” grants second chance in battle
The Researcher now can be found at the beginning of each floor
Slot-machines in room before the boss require only 1 coin to activate
New contrast cursor for easy aiming
Narrative updates
New names for disposable drop items
The Researcher missions have been rewritten
Corrected spelling errors
Rewritten existing dialogue with Geofront dwellers
Fixed the problem with choosing dialogue options in “Austere Asceticism” dialogue
Fixed the problem with choosing dialogue options in “Zeitgeist” dialogue
Changed “Ark of Ideas” floor name to “Alma Mater”
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where character would be thrown out of the room while shooting
Correlated burning zone with zone of recieving fire damage
Minor updates
Changed Artifacts that are given after using secret usernames
Some chandeliers in “Hoarding Dragon” room are now mirrored
New sound after completing Researcher Request
You can now choose dialogue options with UP and DOWN buttons on d-pad instead of L1-R1 (LB-RB)
All breaking sounds are now much more quieter
Balance changes
Increased damage and nerfed range of “Büchsflinte”
Increased fire rate of “Bergmann 1896”
Increased damage, fire rate and nerfed range of “Arcaballista”
Increased fire rate of “Misspent Youth”
Nerfed range of an Infant trapped in treasure chest
Reduced blast radius of each explosive object in the game
You can purchase the game with a discount!