
2 years ago


WARNING: there isnt much coding progress... 😥

hey guys hi guys how are you guys - ok so idk what happened but i don't think i got much done in November other than sprites, probably because of the stupid bad coding problem we're having... oh well, lets get on with this month's report.


As I said, I don't think I actually got much done for November other than spriting wise, but what I did end up getting done for the writing is phase 1, part of phase 1.5, and nothing for phase 2 yet, but I have some ideas in mind and on paper for phase 2. Same goes for phase 1.5. Also I have no idea what @Inkerstinker is cooking up in his pot but it's probably something pretty good as he probably has better quality standard than me in terms of writing!

---Sprites and art---

The phase 1 sprite sheet is finished! Along with some starting bases for phase 2 art is obviously coming along pretty well. Now I made a design change a little while ago with Papyrus, specifically in his phantom form he is NOT going to have the sweater, because Sans got the sweater under his technical permission by touching it before Papyrus turned to dust. (Yes that's how logic works in this take, finders keepers losers weepers...) In tern this kind of reduces work for me and complexifies work for me at the same time? What type of decisions am I making here... Oh yeah Inker got one of the sprite sheets I asked him to do done so good on you Inker!


Now this coding problem I was talking about... so basically @ehE_ is having problems with his computer and is waiting for it to get fixed, while he's doing that he's recently started working on an alternate computer. So while that meant there hasn't been any coding progress for the whole month of November it also means that progress will FINALLY START! and I mean officially now! like it isn't just making a blatant recreation of old nick dusttrust like shown in the screenshots. Speaking of screenshots there is a concept image of the menu at the top of the post that you may have seen already, I mean how could you miss it? Feedback is always accepted. Also I have no clue what @M-R-T & @coaxae are doing, but tbh I haven't even given them assignments, maybe ill get MRT to do the menu


NEW MUSICIAN! Please welcome @displayNockker to the team!!!! You may or may not know him for his work on UnderSwap: Faithless Slaughters & SwapFell: Discord! Or not... either way I think you're going to love his music style as he's pretty new to this side of the fandom (well maybe he's more used to it than he was half a year ago) meaning that it isn't all megalos and rock chiptune!11!11!1 As for @Viperx2 he isn't doing so well, as he's having art block, or in his case music block so we're waiting and hoping for him to get rid of that

Whelp, sorry there wasnt a lot of visual things to see, but let's hope for next month's progress report to contain LOTSA CONTENT because a month is 30 days and a day is 24 hours and an hour is 60 minutes and a minute is 60 seconds and a second is 100ms and that should be enough time to get a good portion of progress done. Also sorry this released 3 days late I promise ill get it released on day one of next year!! 😭😭😭



Next up

Attention people! Ever wanted a cool album cover to go along with your digital music? However, the media the music is from does not have an album cover that looks very interesting or does not have an album cover at all? Well not for this game! (read desc)

Well, it's possible...

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

Broo new Undertale DLC is fire

The Greenest.

10 MORE... and I'll think of something to do.


new, uhh, promo art, oh btw sorry but no log this month because there wasnt much happening in febuaray, theres gonna be one by april tho