I’ve rebuilt the start of the first non-tutorial level so you have to climb out of a sewer or a pipe. In the previous version, the sewer was just a pipe at the same level as the street, which just didn’t look right. In this version, it could be a maintenance tunnel to a canal, or something similar. You can also climb onto one of the roofs around the level, and then use that to roofhop to avoid the spammers.
The second level now has a sewer that leads to a dungeon under a police Moderator station. Bit of a design flaw there, but it does get you past a spambot that’s too dumb to move from it’s junction (something I need to fix). I am thinking of adding some rooftop paths, again to add some variety, since this level has only two roads you can follow.
I also rewrote the briefings for the levels slightly, trying to make them sound more like Garrett from Thief, and I’m considering recording them. The next upload is going to be a sample recording…if I’m not too embarrassed by my own voice.