The Evil Horror: The Catalyst

3 months ago

More than 50% of episode 4 has been created.

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ENG: For the main segment almost everything is ready, only jumpscare and enemy AI are left. In the meantime, I decided to create the bossbattle of the 4th episode, made a basic control skeleton and some mechanics. But more than that, not even a “gameplay footage” of the bossbattle - I can't. Since I always have a tradition: "Bossbattle of each episode is a surprise for the players."

But I can say for sure that the main segments of the 4th episode are being created. Wait for news)

RUS: Для основного сегмента почти все готово, остались только скримеры и ИИ противников. А пока я решил создавать боссбатл 4-ого эпизода, сделал базовый скелет управления и немного механик. Но больше, даже "Футаж геймплея" боссбатла - не могу. Так как у меня всегда традиция: Боссбатл каждого эпизода - сюрприз для игроков.

Но могу сказать точно, что основные сегменты 4-ого эпизода создаються. Ждите новостей)



Next up

Happy New Year!

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"We weren't expecting it, but it's coming back"

Teaser, 4 Episode_1

The Catalyst @DiasSir & The Catalyst @Anikeev

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

"What are you looking at?"

Teaser, 4 Episode_2


Looking for voice actors for English localization. Artem, Rita, Alice and other characters!

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Updated graphics in 1.2.0!

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Thank you for the 3.000 followers on The Return to Bloody Nights VR game page!

As we promised here are the remastered characters!

Episode 1 and 3 are in the works on graphics.

In addition to the graphics - the cameras will be updated as well

Episode 1 is almost complete on the graphics update