Eldest inhabitant of the old mine (and the most dangerous), legends says that all the other mushroom men comes from her.
Safekeeper of the lower levels.
Next up
Old Mine (Description)
Here is a concept of the chieftain goblin. One of the three bosses of the labyrinth zone.
Dont let him tackle you!
Mushroom Men (Description)
Here's a little fight scene of he first levels. In the next weeks we will post some things of the next dungeon type and his enemies.
Follow us if you want to stay updated! #roguelike #dungeon #crawler #procedural #generation
Here is the version 0.9.2! Principal notes:
-Added a pair of new enemies.
-Balance some enemies & weapons.
-More velocity in general. Hope you like it <3
#roguelike #arcade #dungeon #crawler #procedural #generation #action #shooter #shooter #action
Here is my new game, a roguelike-rpg where you changes between two worlds! Hope you like it and wishlist to support
We are still here! :)