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New version of ZRDOOM Enhanced out with a new AI generated soundtrack done with AIVA.Ai... It's metal... #doom #procedural #AI #lzdoom

ZRDOOM : Enhanced 3.0 + Doom Darkfall (doom : the dark ages mod for doom 2) + D4V + Retres texture replacer for doom 2 with Reshade enabled
#lzdoom #procedural #doomthedarkages #reshade

ZRDOOM Enhanced 3.0 + Eternal Suffering (Doom eternal mod for doom 2) + Craneo's Doom 3 for doom texture pack... #lzdoom #procedural #doom #doometernal
New version : 4.5.0 out... This version updates the height variation code to fix annoying wall misalignments... That's the only change.... Due to that less height variation but that is a minor issue now... #lzdoom #doom #procedural